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Lonny J. Brown is the author of Enlightenment In Our Time – The Perennial Wisdom in the New Millennium (ISBN#978-1-60145-135-4) (, Self-Actuated Healing – The Alternative to Doctors and Drugs is Within You (ISBN#0-87961-185-5 Naturegraph, 1988) and Meditation – Beginners Questions & Answers (ISBN#1-877-285-41-2)( He previously published and edited Enlightenment Online – The Newsletter for Spiritual Cyberspace, a content provider for America Online’s first Alternative Medicine Forum, plus OM-Times,,, He also authored the monthly Holistic Health column for Golden Lotus magazine (Taipei, Taiwan).
In the fields of human potential, Lonny Brown has contributed articles and media reviews to Alternative Health Practitioner, Medical Self-Care, East-West Journal, New Age, Yoga Journal, Whole Life Times, Canada’s Healthy Living Guide, New Realities, Women’s Health Advisor, and Video Choice. He also wrote a chapter in Meditation and Wellbeing, (2008, Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India)
Lonny has been a guest spokesperson for holistic health on many radio talk shows and TV programs. In the 70’s, He was known as The New-Age Shaman to listeners of radio station WSLE-FM, in Peterborough, New Hampshire. He is a member of the National Association of Science Writers, as well as the Spiritual Writer’s Association.
Lonny’s poetry has appeared in several international anthologies, including Sri Chinmoy’s God’s Football, and Ram Dass’ legendary Be Here Now He has also self-published a ten year collection of poetic aphorisms, called Ecstatic Understatements and a guided visualization audio-cassette called Journey through The Chakras.
A true “Inter-disciplinarian,” Lonny has also contributed computer hardware and software reviews and articles to Windows User, Pc Resource, Pico, PC Laptop, Link-Up and Epson World. His technical writings have appeared in ID SYSTEMS, and The Dome Builder’s Handbook(Running Press). He was also contributing editor for Ecologue: The Environmental Catalogue(Prentice-Hall, 1990), and Every Day – The Earth Day 1991 Lifestyle Guide, and wrote the chapters on health and self-care in The Self-Directed Career by David Lord (John Wiley & Sons, 1996).
Lonny Brown studied Holistic Health Sciences and Education through Columbia Pacific University. A graduate of the Goddard College Adult Degree Program, Dr. Brown also attendedSyracuse University, studied therapeutic yoga with Ruth Bender, and Buddhism with several noted Tibetan Lamas. He has taught Mind/Body Healing at Northeast College of Healing Arts & Science (Bellows Falls, VT), and yoga, stress management and wellness programs at hospitals, colleges, conferences, and businesses throughout the US and abroad. He is also an independent Wellness Consultant with Nikken, maker of energy-based personal health products, and president of his company, Enlightenment Projects® / Energy Wellness Solutions.