Product Catalog

wrist bands
$ 49.00
Category:Stones, Gems, and Minerals
We live in times of incredible, instantaneous growth and evolution, and we need help to integrate such powerful transformation. Whenever we truly need something, the Earth answers with something from her body, to help us now — like Stones, which help us absorb even the most dramatic change. Lifenhancers! are for you to grow more Lifeforce in all that you do and be. Lithium, in its natural state, supports almost every metabolic process of our bodies. It stimulates or relaxes us, according to our needs. It often acts like Vitamin C in our bodies. It tones us. It activates our immune system. It can remind us of poetry and magic, as we allow. When we wear it, it empowers us; it enriches our strengths and keeps growing them so that we can absorb any challenge and change peacefully and cheerfully.